Springtime brings an abundance of growth and a transition from the cold months to warmer ones. While many welcome the change, others dread the allergies and sinus infections caused by airborne pollen during this time of year. Drug treatment may help alleviate allergy symptoms, but many drugs have side effects of drowsiness, upset stomach, and blurry vision.


Acupuncture, along with Chinese herbal medicine, can safely address allergies and sinuses by stimulating the immune system and helping to open stuffy nasal passages. When treating allergies, I combine herbs such as peppermint and magnolia flower that relieve nasal congestion and runny nose; soothe red, dry eyes; and diminish sinus headaches.


3 Simple Steps to Self Treat Your Allergies:


Step 1: Use a Neti pot. This traditional Indian tool irrigates the nasal passages with a saltwater solution. You can find Neti pots at any drugstore for about $12.


Step 2:  Self massage. Massage the following acupressure points on the face:


Yú Yāo Fish Belly


Location: In the center of the eyebrow, where you feel a sensitive depression.

How to Use: Apply pressure in an upward direction for about 30 seconds.




Bí Tōng Penetrating The Nose


Location: In the highest point of the naso-labial groove, where your laugh lines end at your nose, where you will find a sensitive depression.

How to Use: Apply pressure in an upward direction for about 30 seconds.


Step 3: To further enhance your acupressure experience, add a few of drops of an essential oil, such as peppermint, chamomile, or any conifer species, such as pine or fir.